
Mitt Romney, wringing some savage satirical wit out of his opponent's campaign slogan this week: “Things don't feel like they are going forward. It feels more like backward.”

Some more comedy stylings from his jokewriter's notebook:

* Your mother is so fat, she is just really not skinny in the least.

* I'm trying to tell you, friend, she is so fat, she has her own wardrobe of unusually large clothes.

* Do you know the difference between black people and white people?  Yeah, it's mostly pigmentation.  Some cultural stuff too, yeah, but mostly the hue thing.  I know, right?  I'm just saying what you're thinking, friend.  Look at him, he knows it.  No, I can't really tell whether he knows it.

* Two Mormons walk into a bar, all right?  And the first one says to the second one: "Whoops!  This isn't where we intended to go at all."  And the second one says, "Right you are, Aaron!"

* What is the deal with those warehouse club stores?  They are literally nothing like my house.  Insofar, I mean, as they're smaller.

If this whole election thing doesn't go his way on Tuesday, look for his new cable special: "The Plutocrats of Comedy."

Round at Both Ends

The Partisan Report -- Why Everything Sucks NowWith the extravagantly talented Andy Cobb, I helped write this comical video.  I also live in Ohio.  It's possible I may be experiencing some self-loathing.But, y'know, consider the math here: figure how many Ohioans have already made up their minds about the election, then subtract the ones who aren't going to vote, then the ones who are going to run into a deer driving to the polling place, and in the end the leadership of this enormous country is going to be determined by a small detachment of indecisive mall-walkers in Dayton.


 A brief documentary:


Remember that time Mitt and his buddies held down a school chum and cut off his hair?


I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks in high school.  Might've gone a little too far once in a while, but hey.  It was all in fun.  We were all just having fun.  Some of us it was more the screaming-and-crying kind of fun, but.  There are lots of, uh.  Different funs.


And how about that time he put his dog in a cage on the roof of his car?


More hijinks.  Also monkeyshines.  I said to Seamus, I said, "Hey, fella, want a treat?  Doggie treat?  Okay, it's on the house!"  He just bounded right up on the car roof and I was like SLAM!  Gotcha!  He was all, "huh?"  You shoulda seen his face.  By the time we got to Canada it was like(stretched back face)Classic Seamus.  He was like, "Ya got me, Mitt.  Good one."  Or he woulda been like that.  If he talked.  Crazy times.  In retrospect, the "on the house" thing woulda been funnier if the cage had been on the roof of the house instead of the car.  That part I'd do over, probably.  It's a process, hijinks are a process.  You're always learning.


And Romney's time with Bain Capital?  Just one nutty prank after another.


Shenanigans.  Nonstop shenanigans and tomfoolery.  We'd go in and be like "Hey, GS Industries, what's up, we're gonna buy you and fix you up, we'll all make lots of money" and they'd be like "Sure!" -- priceless -- then after it was all over and we had all the money and they'd fired like a thousand people and were in bankruptcy court they'd look around and be like "Waaaaaait a second... you guys!!"  Oh!  Oh!  Hysterical.  Gimme a second, it's just -- ah!




Wait wait.  And remember Ampad?  That was total horseplay and canootenizing.  We shut down that plant in Indiana, made a couple million, and the workers get there in the morning -- they're holding their, their, their, their, their, their little lunchboxes -- and they're like "Hold on!"  "What the--?"  "Romney!"  They're like "Got us again, we're gonna get you for this, Willard!"  Oo hoo hoo.  Escapades and skylarking.  It's too much.


But this is just one facet of --


Oh oh oh!  And did you see the debate?  The debate last week with the president?  At the very last minute, like seconds before I went on stage, I thought: “What if I pretend to be the exact opposite of the guy I’ve been for the past eight months? Different plans, different beliefs, total opposite day?”  And so -- I did it.  Just -- because!  I’m crazy like that.  Obama was like “Whaaaaat’s going on here...?”(whispering:)Dude. I punked the president.  What what!(dissolves into giggles.)

I'm as Big as a Bird, Now

Thanks to last night's debate, Big Bird is at the center of the national political conversation.  But he's been there before.  Here's a Halloween-themed comic strip I published about five presidential campaigns ago.Bleak Street